
Instructeurs - 156 resultaten

Naam Email Woonplaats Land
Danielli Raphael Raphdan07@gmail.com Calvi France
Instructor Advanced EANx
Dankers Jan jan.dankers@solcon.nl Boxtel Netherlands
Instructor Blender Eanx
Instructor EANx & Trimix gas Blender
Instructor Advanced Recreational Trimix
Instructor Normoxic Trimix
Instructor Trimix OC
Instructor ART CCR - Inspiration
Instructor OW side mount
De Blaeser Serge sergedeblaeser@gmail.com EVERE Belgium
Instructor Advanced Recreational Trimix
Instructor Cavern
Instructor Intro to Cave
Instructor Technical Cave
Instructor Adv. Cave DPV
Instructor Adv. Cave Multi stages
Tek Open Water Side Mount Instructor
Tek Open Water DPV instructor
Self Sufficient Instructor
Tek Lite Essentials Instructor
Technical Essentials Instructor
Specialty Instructor
de Jong Bart jongdebart@live.nl Heerenveen Netherlands
Instructor open water
Instructor Advanced Recreational Trimix
Instructor Normoxic Trimix
Self Sufficient Instructor
Drysuit Specialty Instructor
Specialty Instructor : Ice Diver
Specialty Instructor: non penetration wreck
de Kok Bert bertdekok@planet.nl zaandam Netherlands
Instructor Advanced Recreational Trimix
De Moor Kristoff kristof.de.moor3@telenet.be Dentergem Belgium
Instructor Advanced Recreational Trimix
De Veer Jose josedeveer@hetnet.nl Waalre Netherlands
Instructor Advanced EANx
Instructor Normoxic Trimix
Instructor Trimix OC
Instructor ART CCR - Kiss
instructor ART CCR - rEvo
Instructor Intro to Cave
Instructor Technical Cave
Advanced cave sidemount- no mount instructor
Instructor Adv. Cave DPV
Instructor Adv. Cave Multi stages
Instructor CCR Cave
Instructor OW side mount
Decompression specialist Instructor
de Vries Brenda ggermie@hotmail.com Ten Boer Netherlands
Instructor Trainer Adv. Recreational Trimix
Instructor Blender Eanx
Instructor EANx & Trimix gas Blender
Instructor Advanced EANx
Instructor Advanced Recreational Trimix
Instructor Normoxic Trimix
Instructor Trimix OC
Instructor ART CCR - Inspiration
Instructor Normoxic CCR - Inspiration
Instructor Trimix CCR
Instructor CCR Trimix - inspiration
Instructor Intro to Cave
Instructor Technical Cave
Advanced cave sidemount- no mount instructor
Instructor Adv. Cave Multi stages
Instructor CCR Cave
Instructor OW side mount
Tek Open Water Side Mount Instructor
Self Sufficient Instructor
de With Johan info@techduikschoolnederland.nl Nunspeet Netherlands
Instructor Blender Eanx
Instructor EANx & Trimix gas Blender
Instructor Advanced EANx
Instructor Advanced Recreational Trimix
Instructor Normoxic Trimix
Instructor Trimix OC
Instructor Intro to Cave
Instructor Technical Cave
Instructor OW side mount
Self Sufficient Instructor
Descamps Jérôme jerome@divelife.be Walcourt Belgium
Instructor Advanced Recreational Trimix
Instructor Normoxic Trimix
Instructor ART CCR - JJ
Instructor Normoxic CCR - JJ
Self Sufficient Instructor
Tek Lite Essentials Instructor
Technical Essentials Instructor